Wind up bales flawlessly
Up to 4 tons or 2,000 mm diameter. The weight-compensated batching motion delivers flawless bales. The easy-to-use auto doffing and sideways motion to align to the middle of the fabric are smart extra features. The Tirecord batching motion of Picanol is the result of know-how accumulated over many years of TC weaving.
The specially designed batching-motion, which is entirely built in-house, will always be positioned in the center of the fabric, regardless of whether the drawing-in is arranged either asymmetrically or symmetrically. Thanks to the continuous weight compensation of the fabric roller, the bale can build up gradually without suffering from broken weft or any deformation caused by its own weight. Both the heaviest and the lightest tire cords can be handled, even down to widths of only one meter.
As the accurate length measurement of the fabric is derived from the batching motion, discounting slip, unweaving actions, and auto-tabby-programming can be used in a secure way.