"After the successful commissioning of 40 Picanol OMNIplus Summum airjets for the sister company Oswal Denim Bophal, the Nahar Group decided to also invest in this type of machines for their Oswal Denims plant in Lahru, Ambala."
Nahar Industrial Enterprises Ltd, one of the oldest textile manufacturers, set up a denim textile unit in Punjab called Oswal Denims. The unit is located at Lahru in Patiala on a 50 acre plot of land. Adding to their wide product range, they started manufacturing denim fabric in 2006.The unit is an arm of Oswal Woollen Mills and will have the capacity to produce 40 million metres of denim per annum after recent expansions this fiscal year.
The company produces denim fabric to cater to both export and domestic markets. After the successful commissioning of 40 Picanol OMNIplus Summum airjets for the sister company Oswal Denim Bophal, the Nahar Group decided to also invest in this type of machines for their Oswal Denims plant in Lahru, Ambala. At this plant they already have 47 OMNIplus 800 machines, acquired the previous year, weaving denim fabrics. Mr. P.G. Niyogi, CEO of Oswal Denims, states that the overall experience with Picanol India and more generally with Picanol has been quite satisfactory. Not only product-wise, but also in the sense that service and support lived up to our expectations. The new OMNIplus Summum airjets are now in the process of being installed.