The best gripper execution for each application
The Ultimax and OptiMax-i Connect can always be equipped with the most suitable rapier system, whether you are looking for high speed or ultimate versatility.
The platform is designed to permit the fastest rapier loom with the guided version (GC).
The Free Flight with the raceboard execution (VB) ensures the best solution for filament warp yarns, in combination with maximum weft versatility.
The Free Flight with carriers (VD) has been designed for weaving delicate fabrics with hairy warp yarns, such as fine worsted, as well as for some technical fabrics, in order to avoid a deposit of spin-finish on the raceboard.
The Free Flight Positive Gripper (FPG) is our unrivaled gripper solution for extreme filling versatility and warp-friendliness using the proven Free Flight guiding system. Both grippers have active gripper clamps whose action can be set individually, electronically and specifically for every filling. (On OptiMax-i Connect)
The Guided Positive Gripper (GPG) has been developed for specific technical applications, such as primary carpet-backing and agro-textiles. Especially where double insertion, mixed insertion or novelty yarns need to be processed, GPG grippers offer total flexibility at the highest speed. (On OptiMax-i Connect)